Code Structure

UI components, utility functions, shared data structures and configurations reside in src/lib

Assets and static content (embedded html page used in some programs) reside in static

Application starting point: src/routes/index.svelte, this page handles the general load/unload of the UI.

Upon its boot, src/routes/index.svelte will load src/routes/boot_manager.svelte, which is the boot options scene.

At this point, if you select Start Windows Normally, the src/routes/xp/starting.svelte will be loaded into the scene.



If this is the first time use, it will bootstrap the user's hard drive with hard_drive.json. It also preloads static assets (wallpapers, icons, audios, etc.) and some components like context menus.

Then it loads src/routes/xp/desktop.svelte



The desktop environment. It's the container for the workspace, taskbar, start menu, etc.

desktop.svelte also listens for system-wide commands (at the moment: shutdown, restart) and handles writing changes made by users and programs to the disk (IndexedDB)



The screen - (taskbar + startmenu) in terms of screen estate.

It launches programs into the workspace on request.



This folder contains all the native programs (apps, like Foxit Reader, MS Word). It's just my code organizing, if you write a new program, you don't necessarily put your your_program.svelte in this folder.

In case you already have an up & running webapp (website), please read 3rd-party apps section for integration, so you don't have to deal with codebase.

Last updated